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Robotics And Innovation Based Experiments
YuviPep’s IBC experiments employ a hands-on learning approach where students actively engage in rapid prototyping using custom components, electronic tools, sensors, actuators and other low-fidelity hardware. These experiments are structured on fundamental concepts of physics, mathematics, electronics, mechanics and other engineering principles. All these embedded experiments include a combination of building basic electronic circuits, sensor int...
Instructor Led Experiments
Our R&D experts and industry professionals apply STEM principles to teach these experiments through online sessions, interactive presentations, videos, case studies, and hands-on projects. Each instructor tailors their teaching to meet the student's individual learning needs, providing personalised support to ensure their success.
24+ Hours of Learning
4 to 9 Grades
20+ Sessions
1 to 5 Levels
Practical application of physics principles
How STEM concepts are implemented in different contexts
Foster intellectual abilities and a scientific approach to learning
Develop a logic-building and problem-solving mindset
Early knowledge of automation, mechatronics and robotics
Cross-disciplinary approach to solve a problem
Hands-on experience in building innovative prototypes
How Will You Learn?
After buying the experiment, a student will learn through the following process.
Scheduling slots for student-mentor interaction
Overview of physics principles underlying that experiment
Explore different applications of kit components
Sensor integration and building electronic and electrical circuits
Introduction to microcontroller programming to interact with Arduino
Try out coding using simulation platforms
Hands-on learning of troubleshooting techniques
Project completion with prototype development